There's a reason blogging is so addictive! Whether you blog for a hobby or a career, you're sure to be enjoying some of the many perks and benefits of maintaining a blog or two. Here are the top eight:
1. Community
Where else can you meet so many great, like-minded people? Blogging is a great way to share ideas and enter into discussions with people who share the same interests. Nothing makes up a successful blog like a thriving community. Whether or not you share the same opinion doesn't matter. If you have an active community, you're never alone!
2. Recognition
If you want to establish yourself as an expert in your field, blogging is a great way achieve recognition and turn others on to your point of view.
3. Employment Opportunities
Blogging can open many new doors, many bloggers have been able to quit their day jobs to blog professionally, while other receive job offers as a result of their expertise.
4. Revenue
If your blog is popular, it can also be profitable. Some bloggers earn millions each year.
5. It's Fun!
Blogging is fun! Even those of us who do it for a living enjoy what we do.
6. You're Part of Something Special
The blogging community is a special one indeed. Even those who feel as if they never belong, find a place among bloggers. From the social networking to the sharing of ideas, there's nothing like the world you'll encounter blogging.
7. Find Other Great Blogs
Blogging helps you to findother great resources. Your community members are sure to have recommendations, plus you'll find lots of great stuff while researching your niche.
8. Swag
Sometimes businesses will send you products or books to review. Many bloggers receive great swag.
When Do Robins Get Their Red Breast
[image: When do robins get their red breast]
When do robins get their red breast
Baby robins, or Juvenile Robins, are speckled brown and will not get the
11 months ago