A look inside Google AdSense and blogging as a whole.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
How to Turn Your Adsense Earning from $10 to $800 a Week
He disclosed how he unfold the true potential of his sites, not just in terms of AdSense but also in terms of SEO and the importance of building a good quality site.
I like to quote his answers to the following questions:
How did you get serious?
I took a bit of a risk, bought a few books about AdSense, SEO and general website development and dropped down to part time uni and started dedicating more time to my websites. I started writing articles that were on topics that people wanted to know about and topics that people were searching for, and I placed these articles into a highly optimized template that was just designed for these articles, then I went about building a few backlinks for these articles to help with the SEO. I’d have periods of maybe a week where everyday I would sit down and write an article two, often three or four, and I’d just keep writing, sharing my knowledge, sharing my expertise.
Why were articles successful?
These articles each focused on an individual search term or topic within my industry. The articles were informative and useful. They were 100% original and completely unique in the industry. They were my thoughts, opinions and beliefs on topics that I was very knowledgeable on. They were detailed and lengthy. And the search engines loved them.
Why did the search engines love them?
Because they were original and unique, and because they were getting backlinks and they were on my established sites which I believe have a fair amount of "TrustRank" because at this point my sites were well over 2 years old and had thousands of backlinks, because I had slowly but surely developed them over the previous two years. Plus the articles were all on niche topics that there wasn’t that much competition for, and I had employed very basic, but very solid SEO techniques. Things like:
- Giving each article an individual highly relevant page title.
- Using meta descriptions and keywords, but not abusing them.
- Using H1 and H2 tags.
- Using good keyword density and specific phrase targeting.
- Using good quality, unique, original and focused content.
- Building some well anchored backlinks.
- With a good navigational system between articles.
- Using an aged domain with good TrustRank.
You can read his story along with the question and answer session that transpire in the following post on Digital Point forums: My 2006 AdSense Summary - From $10/Week to $800/Week. Go, read and learn from him.
He indeed turned his sites into money making machine. You too can!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Eight Benefits of Blogging
1. Community
Where else can you meet so many great, like-minded people? Blogging is a great way to share ideas and enter into discussions with people who share the same interests. Nothing makes up a successful blog like a thriving community. Whether or not you share the same opinion doesn't matter. If you have an active community, you're never alone!
2. Recognition
If you want to establish yourself as an expert in your field, blogging is a great way achieve recognition and turn others on to your point of view.
3. Employment Opportunities
Blogging can open many new doors, many bloggers have been able to quit their day jobs to blog professionally, while other receive job offers as a result of their expertise.
4. Revenue
If your blog is popular, it can also be profitable. Some bloggers earn millions each year.
5. It's Fun!
Blogging is fun! Even those of us who do it for a living enjoy what we do.
6. You're Part of Something Special
The blogging community is a special one indeed. Even those who feel as if they never belong, find a place among bloggers. From the social networking to the sharing of ideas, there's nothing like the world you'll encounter blogging.
7. Find Other Great Blogs
Blogging helps you to findother great resources. Your community members are sure to have recommendations, plus you'll find lots of great stuff while researching your niche.
8. Swag
Sometimes businesses will send you products or books to review. Many bloggers receive great swag.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Important Skill in Blogging - Creativity
Some one says, creativity is a million dollar skill and I believe on this. Without creativity you lost your greatest leverage for producing value. In turn, this will cripple your earning potential as earning in most cases is a function of your ability to product value.
Creativity transforms good ideas into great ideas. Creative thinking can give insight into overcoming challenges. Creativity enhances the ability to problem solve. And the good news is – everyone can be creative.
Tapping into self creative ability is vital to maximize results. Even if you’ve never considered yourself creative, there are proven techniques and approaches to help anyone claim their own creativity. Along with the techniques and approaches to help you become creative, Steve Pavlina defines clearly the ground rules for maximizing your creative output.
Remember, creativity is a million dollar skill and can be learn. Use and maximize your creativity to turn your blog into money making machine.
Monday, May 12, 2008
How to Make Your Blog Unique
There are 55 Million blogs out there and every day this number is still keep growing. They said, blogosphere is still in it’s infancy. So, how do you make your blog stand out from the rest?
As regards money, for example, 99% of blogs don't make a penny and most soon disappear.
The blogging winners will be those who persevere, adapt and keep on learning and try to be creative.
Your blog post maybe speaking the same thing with hundreds of others. This situation demands maximum creativity in order to stand out. In one of the post made by Steve Pavlina, he gives us a sneak-peek at his flowing creativity experience. Learn from one of the top blogger, read his post entitled "My Experience in Creativity".
I hope you can get lessons from Steve on how to make your blog stand-out through creativity.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Monetize Your Blog with ReviewMe
Comes into play the newcomer ReviewMe, a PayPerPost (PPP) kind of ad network, with a twist. The contract between the ad network and the blogger makes it mandatory to disclose the fact that you are blogging for money but certainly not this one because I am not paid to write this post. I find my blog too young to join ReviewMe.
But that's not the only difference. Whereas a single fee per post is charged to advertiser for any bloggers, ReviewMe determines the set price by using an algorithm based on Alexa, Technorati and other statistics. The asked price varies, from 30$, up to an enticing 1,000$ per post, depending on your blog importance in the blogosphere.
And there is more. The blogger can share his/her honest opinion and still being paid. Of course, I have some doubts personally about how this can really be implemented. It is obvious to me that ReviewMe is trying to give a non-partisan flavour to their ad network. This way, it gives it more credibility. However, looking at it from any angle, since we're being paid by a third-party to talk about them, we can't truly bite the hand the feeds us. Anyway, the fact that we have the illusion of that choice is still a nice feature.
The only other requirement has to do with the review length and time limit to come up with a review, 200 words and 48 hours for this particular assignment. Payment can be made by check or by PayPal.
Getting Started
Signing up is extremely easy, taking literally one or two minutes to fill out a small form. You are then automatically logged in and ready to go. The next step is to submit your blog. This is done by entering basic details of your blog such as Title, Description, RSS URL, Keywords, and of course, your URL. Your blog is then either automatically approved or declined. This is based on Alexa ranking, Technorati ranking, and RSS subscribers. Publishers may have up to 6 different blogs attached to their account.
If approved, you're completely set up and ready to go. There is very little to actually read in terms of instructions on the site, but a FAQ section is there to help answer some of the questions you may have.
Reviewing is quite simple. ReviewMe's system works by advertisers choosing which blogs they'd like to be reviewed by. This is most likely determined by what topic and niche your blog lies in. You get to decide if you'd like to review them or not, the choice is completely up to you and you're not forced to review anything you don't want to.
Once your have finished your review and posted it on your blog, you simply return to ReviewMe and submit the URL of the post with the review and you're done.
Payment Details
Publishers are paid 50% of revenue, which may sound high, but is pretty standard. Also, ReviewMe's prices to advertisers are somewhat expensive so publishers are really getting paid quite well.
Price is automatically recalculated monthly, based on factors including theme, estimated traffic, link popularity, and estimated RSS subscribers. Publishers are paid the first of every month via PayPal or check.
Additional Information
Publishers may publish an unlimited number of reviews.
Reviews do not necessarily have to be in English. ReviewMe asks for reviews to be written in the Publisher's "normal" language. If their blog's category is German, for example, advertisers will generally expect the language of the review to be German.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Monetize with Affiliate Marketing
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Have You Ever Heard of JohnChow.com?
The contest is now over but he said, he will continue to offer linkbacks for reviews.
Basically I would like to know the impact of his linkback to my blog. So I will give it a shot to review johnchow.com. I hope that after a month from getting his linkback I shall be on better position to evaluate the value of his linkback. I shall then make another post in here entitled “The Impact of the BackLink of Johnchow to my blog” so everybody will have an idea of the value of linkback from a popular blog such as this.
Johnchow.com is a technology blog. Even a car is considered a product of technology; I find his banner a little bit misleading. If a first time visitor spend just 5 seconds to his blog and right after ask about the theme of the blog, the visitor will probably answer the blog is all about cars. I also find his banner bigger than the average. It occupies greater space than the average banner size without giving any benefit.
The navigational feature of his blog is fare. But I find his category too broad having only 8 against 700 plus number of post. While the blog has a search function, it maybe more beneficial to the visitor to break down a little bit the categories.
I find his post valuable for anyone who wants to succeed online. Most of his topic center on marketing, traffic building, advertising and technology. .
While his blog earnings are high coming from multiple online streams, I still find his earning below his blog true potential. There is still a big room for him to engage to other revenue source.
I don’t find all his post interesting but generally all of them are informative while some are empowering.
So that’s it this is my review but remember this is not just a review but the beginning of an experiment to measure the value of the linkback from a blog like his.
I hope that after a month from getting his linkback I shall be on better position to evaluate the value of his linkback. I shall then make another post in here entitled “The Impact of the BackLink of Johnchow to my blog” so everybody will have an idea of the value of linkback from a popular blog such as this.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Five ways to get Explosive Traffic
Yes, this can be done. Your ultimate target should be to create sustainable traffic system, a kind that will pay you for years for a one-time effort. All this can be done through the powerful principle known as leverage.
What then is the secret to leverage?
The secret to leverage is in coming up with effective, efficient and self-perpetuating systems to gain traffic for years and years. You need to invest time creating traffic building generation tool. Once done, let it loose on the web and let others do the work for you. You will only do this once but the system continues to grow and multiply your results.
Any system you set up which allows your sales message or your links to propagate online in "word of mouth" fashion qualify as leverage. This can be an article with your byline and links on it submitted to multiple article directories, a free e-book and even your affiliate program.
However, for these tools to work their magic, the same must contain incentive either in the form of profit or value. You're either paying someone in commissions for their effort or you're offering them valuable information for free.
With this in mind, here are five no-cost explosive viral leveraging tactics you can put into action immediately:
1. Viral Free Report Traffic
Free reports are common these days. If you sell information product, it is almost a requirement to have at lease one freebie report aimed to pre-sell your information product and to be given away to other websites or blogs. Allowing others to re-brand your report with their affiliate links is the basic incentive for webmasters to let your report be downloadable for free at their website. In this case, your army of traffic multiplication is made up of other webmasters.
Place more value to your free report. Your success depend upon how likely webmasters are to earn commissions by giving it away. The more webmaster made your free reports downloadable, the more traffic you can win.
2. Viral Free Article Traffic
Yes, an article containing your byline and links submitted to article directories will gain you more traffic. Your traffic will be coming from the re-distribution of your articles with the clicks on the link in your byline and from the search engines themselves.
Place more valuable information on your free articles and optimized them as well. Webmasters love to publish valuable articles especially if it's for free. The more re-distribution you get, the more traffic you can win.
3. Viral Subscriber List Traffic
If you have built your subscriber list, not put it to work for you? Again, all you need to do is offer an incentive.
One great example is for you to announce to your list that one lucky member can receive a high ticket items from you for free if they can refer say for example X number of new subscriber to your list.
4. Viral Affiliate Program Traffic
If you have your own product or acquire a resellers right of the product made by others, opening your own affiliate program is a good traffic generator. The profit incentive is built in and you pay nothing for the publicity until an actual sale is made.
You can also consider implementing a multi-tier affiliate program with an attractive incentive plan. This will build your affiliate base like crazy and generate traffic on steroids for your site.
5. Viral Referral Traffic
I have seen this to some major sites. They have a referral script to implement a "refer a friend" feature. Remember, for this to work with great success, you have to give some form of incentive in exchange for the referral.
So, they are the 5 explosive secrets to boost your traffic for free for years. Try one of them. Integrate in your campaign the principle of giving incentives and watch your traffic multiply on autopilot that will last for years if not forever.
Remember, your ultimate target should be to create sustainable traffic system, a kind that will pay you for years for a one-time effort.
Good luck.
Advanced SEO Techniques
What about those sites above mine in the rankings that use spam techniques?Yes it's true that you will see sites above yours in the search engine results pages that have used questionable techniques to get there. This is a short term phenomenon! Those sites are usually crushed by the search engines at the next update. You can afford to be smug if you see those sorts of sites above yours - because when they get kicked out of the index for doing the wrong thing, your site will be there ready to move up a few more places! Remember, our watchword when doing SEO is patience, we can afford to smile because we know our sites will eventually prevail.
Linking out from your site
Who you link to tells a search engine alot about your site. Outgoing links are very important because they can help you recommend your visitors to more resources. Visitors appreciate being helped, so this is a good strategy to have on your website. The only problem is that search engines don't like you linking to 'bad neighborhoods'. 'Bad neighborhoods' are low quality sites which may tarnish your website. Avoid these like the plague. Try and link to only good quality sites which are relevant to your site. The better the sites you link to, the more favourably search engines look upon your site.
Paid links
From an SEO point of view these are bad news. Paid links should only be used to get traffic. Search engines don't like paid links that pretend to be a 'vote' for your website. If you pay for a link, ask the linking site to add rel="nofollow" to the link which tells the search engines not to count it as a 'vote'.
Duplicate Pages
Some people will tell you there is some sort of penalty if you have 2 pages the same on your website. Duplicate pages are where the URL is different but the content on the pages is too similar or exactly the same. For instance, http://www.google.com and http://www.google.com.in are nearly identical, even though they have different URLs. Typically a search engine will look at those two pages and decide they are both similar, and display only one. There is no penalty as the searcher finds what they are looking for anyway. The problem comes when there are links (or 'votes') to both pages. That means the 'votes' are split and the information is seen as less important than it really is. For this reason it is usually best to avoid duplicate pages from the start. If you already have duplicate pages, it is best to do a 301 redirect back to one.
What is PR? Is it important?
PR stands for PageRank, Google's system of rating webpages. You can check PR of pages but the tools available show outdated information and are not really relevant. PR plays less of a role in search engine placement these days and you really shouldn't worry about it. Far more important is making good content and getting good incoming links to your site.
www vs. no www
Some search engines have a problem with www and non www. What this basically means is that they think there is one website at http://example.com and another website at http://www.example.com. Of course this is a silly concept for humans but a challenge for automated search robots. Always point internal links to either one or the other for your site. Of course there are people who will link to you the opposite way.
Dynamic URLs
Do you have a dynamic site? Dynamic URLs have a ? in them with a few parameters after the ?. Check to see if dynamic URLs are generated for your site by using a spider simulator on your site. If so, you will need to get rid of those session URLs for spiders! This can be quite complicated and depends on what type of server and software you are using, but you can start your research here and here.
Once you get rid of session ID's, dynamic URL's are indexed and ranked on Google quite well. MSN and Yahoo still have problems indexing those pages. Overall, if you have the skill or you can find someone to help you do it, it is better to convert dynamic URLs to static URLs. This gives you a better chance of being indexed by all search engines.
Photos and Images
For all photos and images on your pages, make sure they are not too large. It is best to resize them in an imaging program to their finished size before inserting them in your webpage and uploading them to your site. Make sure all images have an
The robots.txt file
A good robots.txt file is like an invitation for search engine crawlers to check out your site. It is also useful for stopping some crawlers. For example, I used to despair because I was using way too much bandwith on my webserver account for one of my sites. The main reason too much bandwith was being used was because the Google Image crawler was visiting my site a couple of times a month and downloading the thousands of product images we had. Now, there is no reason for my thousands of product images to be on Google search, these are well known products and people were just looking for images to steal to put on their own websites anyway. The solution? I blocked the Google Imagebot from my site using the robots.txt file. This saves many gigabytes of bandwith every month. The robots.txt file is useful for several SEO purposes - for example stopping search engines from indexing irrelevant content .
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Get Your Site Indexed by Search Engines
First of all, you need quality content. That does not neccesarily mean a long boring article about some subject in your niche. For example, a friend of mine has a site with photos. Each page has a photo with a brief description of the subject. Each and every page of the site is indexed. Searchers usually find these pages because they are looking for a photo of the subject. So quality content can not only include articles, but also photos, tools, jokes, discussions, forums, videos, commentaries, advice, FAQs or a myriad of other types of content. Be brutal. If you came to your webpage as a regular visitor, would your page be entertaining and/or informative? Would you find your way around the site easily? Would you stay? And, more importantly for our next point, would you recommend your page to others?
You need incoming links! The best incoming links are what search engines call organic links. What are organic links? It is where someone likes your site, and adds an unsolicited link to your site from their site. Sounds easy? Wrong. Gaining organic links takes a long time if you sit back and wait for others to link to you. There are quicker ways to gain good incoming links which we can't cover here but I can thoroughly recommend this page - 101 Ways to Build Link Popularity in 2006. Of course, all links are not created equal. As a general rule of thumb, links from sites which are more authoritive relevant to your website carry more weight with search engines. Least weight is given to irrelevant links from low ranking sites. To give examples, if I have a site about growing cactus in the UK, a link from the British Cactus and Succulent Society would be an ideal link. A link from a home loan site would be totally irrelevant and would probably be ignored by search engines.
To summarize links, search engines consider links from other pages to your page as a 'vote' for your page, however some votes are better than others. As Andy Hagans and Aaron Wall say on the abovementioned page, "Because links are still the basic connector, the basic relationship, on the Web. And for the forseeable future they're going to be the easiest way for a computer program to judge the importance and trustworthiness of a Web page."
Links from better sites are always harder to get, but if your content is worthwhile major sites will happily link to you. Don't bother with reciprocal links (where someone links to you if you link to them) as these links are usually worthless. The better your incoming links, the deeper search engine crawlers will go into your site and the more pages from your site will get indexed. The better your content, the better your links, the more accessible your pages are, the higher you will rank.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Know how Search Engines Function
Just because your site has been crawled, doesn't mean your site will be indexed by the search engines. Lets take a quick look at how search engines work. There are 3 stages - stage one is where search engine crawlers visit websites collecting the information on webpages and following links on those pages to other pages to collect the information on those pages and so on and so forth. On some websites the crawler may decide to only crawl a few pages if the site isn't considered too important (and we'll come back to this later, as that 'not so important' site may be yours!).
After collecting all that information, usually hundreds of millions or even billions of pages, the search engine starts indexing those pages. The search engine analyses each and every page to see what the page is about and how it fits in the site and the overall world wide web. The search engine decides which search queries the page may be relevant to, and then ranks that page against all the other pages on the web which are about the same topic. A single web page may be relevant to few or even dozens of different search terms so these all have to be taken into account. Obviously this is quite a simplistic view of how this works but I just want to give you some idea of the enormity of this task.
When a searcher types a search query into the search page, the search engine searches through it's index for what it thinks is the most relevant pages which will match the searchers request. This typically (and quite amazingly) only takes a fraction of a second, and the searcher is presented with a list of webpages that the search engine believes matches their request. For example, I just did a search for "home loans" and there were 34,000,000 results returned. Consider for a moment that you would like your webpage to rank in the top ten for the term "home loans", your page would have to better than 34,000,000 others! Of course, that is not impossible but unless you are a large national or multinational home mortgage company, there is no need for you to rank in the top ten (from a searcher's viewpoint).
Okay, this is where we get to part about why your pages aren't indexed. Even though your page exists, that does not mean it will be automatically included in the search indexes. There are far too many pages on the Internet to include every single page. Search engines need other clues about a page's quality to include it.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Make Your Site Become Search Engines Friendly
A very important point made by Google, MSN and Yahoo (and the others) is that your website should be designed for humans, not for search engines. I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment but you still need to make sure a search engine crawler can find it's way around your site.
You have to make sure every page on your site will be found by search engine crawlers and crawled properly. Your site and pages have to be set up correctly for this to happen. You need at least basic HTML knowledge to understand how to do the following.
Your website will need internal links that a search engine understands.
Your website should be linked together so that every single page can be found by clicking a link from another page. The best way to do this is to have a site map. A site map is a single page (or series of pages if you have a huge site) which links every page that exists on your website. If you use a javascript menu, you will need a "noscript" section as well. Another important point to remember is that, generally speaking, the more clicks away from the home page a webpage is, the less likely that page is to appear in the search index (but we'll cover the exceptions later).
Your web pages will need a unique title
Choosing titles for your web page is not hard - just choose a short sentence or phrase which accurately describes what your page is about. If your page is about growing cactus in the UK, there's your title... Growing Cactus in the UK. This is also what people will see in the search engine results pages, so if they see your relevant page they will click on your link, even if it is number four or five in the search results. Make sure every page has it's own unique title.
Your web pages will need a unique meta description
Make sure your pages have a unique meta description. An effective meta description is a short synopsis of what visitors will expect to see on the webpage. This is NOT a place for repeating keywords or telling lies about what the page is actually about. To use our example of growing cactus in the UK, an appropriate meta description would be "How to successfully grow cactus in the UK, with practical tips and examples". If you don't have different and unique meta descriptions for each page, the search engines may presume that all your pages are the same.
Your pages need <> and <> tags
These tags, as well as <> and <> tags, emphasize to the search engines (and more importantly, visitors) the overall theme of the content of your page. Remember, use these tags honestly and appropriately. One heading with <> is enough. A <> or <>for each relevant block of text is OK. One or two strong tag on a particular keyword or keyphrase is more than adequate. If your headings look ugly and contrived to a visitor, you will probably be penalized by search engines now or in the future for them.
Check for errors on your site
It's easy to check for errors on your site, and there are a couple of great tools available for free to do this. The first I use is Xenu Linksleuth. You can read about it and download it from here. Basically Xenu crawls your website like a search engine spider and reports any broken links. This is very valuable information, because broken links can stop search engine crawlers from crawling your site. Broken links can arise from misspellings or pages that were deleted.
Another useful tool is Google Webmaster Console. There are many useful functions in Webmaster Console which we will talk about later but right now we'll highlight their error reporting. (At this point don't upload a sitemap to the Webmaster Console, I'll talk about that a little later). Once you validate your website at Webmaster Console go to the crawl error screen and you will be presented with any errors the Google crawler encountered on your site. Obviously if the Google crawler has a problem navigating your site then other search engine crawlers will also have a problem.
Using these two tools gives you the opportunity to diagnose and fix any errors with linking on your site and ensure greater success when your site is indexed.
How to Improve Your Alexa Ranking?
Other tips come from specific articles and forums. Those that I have referenced are listed at the end of this post.
Do these tips work? Yes, they do. But most of them require active effort in generating traffic. They will work as long as long as you are consistently performing specific actions.
To increase your Alexa rank in the long term, I would suggest coming up with quality content which draws and maintains a large audience. This is an excellent way to passively increase your Alexa rank.
1. Install the Alexa toolbar or Firefox’s SearchStatus extension and set your blog as your homepage. This is the most basic step.
2. Put up an Alexa rank widget on your website. I did this a few days ago and receive a fair amount of clicks every day.
3. Encourage others to use the Alexa toolbar. This includes friends, fellow webmasters as well as site visitors/blog readers.
4. Work in an Office? Get the Alexa toolbar or SS Firefox extension installed on all computers and set your website as the homepage for all browsers.
5. Get friends to review and rate your Alexa website profile. Not entirely sure of its impact on rankings but it might help in some way.
6. Write or Blog about Alexa. Webmaster and bloggers love to hear about ways to increase their Alexa rank. They’ll link to you or visit your blog, which helps with your traffic rank.
7. Flaunt your URL in webmaster forums. Webmasters usually have the toolbar installed. I like doing this for a few reasons. You’ll get webmasters to visit your website and get some feedback in return. It’s also a good way to give back to the community.
8. Write content that is related to webmasters. This can fall in the category of domaining and SEO, two fields in which most webmasters will have the Alexa toolbar installed. Promote your content on social networking websites and webmaster forums.
9. Use Alexa redirects on your website URL. Try this: http://redirect.alexa.com/redirect?www.doshdosh.com . Replace doshdosh.com with the URL for your website. Leave this redirected URL in blog comments as well as forum signatures. This redirect will count a unique IP address once a day so clicking it multiple times won’t help.
10. Post in Asian social networking websites or forums. Some have suggested that Asian (Korean or Hong Kong) web users are big Alexa toolbar fans.
11. Create a webmaster tools section on your website. This is a magnet for webmasters who will often visit your website to use the tools. Aaron Wall’s webpage on SEOTools is a very good example.
12. Get Dugg or Stumbled. This usually brings massive numbers of visitors to your website and the sheer amount will have a positive impact on your Alexa Rank. Of course, you’ll have to develop link worthy material.
13. Use PayperClick Campaigns. Buying advertisements on search engines such as Google or Exact Seek will help bring in Traffic. Doubly useful when your ad is about webmaster/tech related products/content.
14. Create an Alexa category on your blog and use it to include any articles or news about Alexa. This acts as a resource for webmasters while helping you rank in the search engines.
15. Optimize your popular posts. Got a popular post that consistently receives traffic from the search engines? Include a widget at the bottom of the post, call for Alexa signups or use Alexa redirection on your internal URLs.
16. Buy banners and links for traffic from webmaster forums and websites. A prominent and well displayed ad will drive lots of webmaster traffic to your website, which can significantly boost your rank.
17. Hire forum posters to pimp your website. Either buy signatures in webmaster forums or get respected users to pimp specific articles or material in your website on a regular basis.
18. Pay Cybercafe owners to install the Alexa toolbar and set your website as the homepage for all their computers.
19. Use MySpace . This is a little shady so I don’t recommended it unless you’re really interested in artificially inflating your Alexa Rank. Use visually attractive (wierd/sexy/funny) pictures or banners and link them to your redirected Alexa URL. You’ll get a lot of clicks but it doesn’t mean people are visiting your website.
20. Try Alexa auto-surfs. Do they work? Maybe for brand new sites. I think they are most suitable for new websites with a terrible Alexa rank. There might also be problems when you try to use auto surfs alongside contextual ads like Adsense.
Friday, May 2, 2008
How to Get Profitable Adsense Keywords?
Step 1 Research some keywords for your niche that have a high CPC value. To do this, first find your keywords using the Google Adwords keyword tool or another tool that will give you niche specific lists of keywords. Save those keywords into a spreadsheet program as a csv file. Copy and paste those keywords into Google's Traffic Estimator (you will need an Adwords account). The traffic estimator will give you the estimated clicks per day and the average cost per click (CPC) for each keyword. Copy and paste this information back into your spreadsheet file for later reference.
Step 2 Multiply the average CPC by 30% to get an estimate of your maximum earnings per click. The higher the average CPC, the more likely the CPC for the 2nd - 8th positions are high as well. You want this higher average CPC to start because if the CPC starts to drop off significantly after the 3rd position, your chance of getting high click earnings as an Adsense publisher will be diminished.
Step 3 Use any one of many tools available on the internet for helping to estimate the 1st - 8th position CPC values. These tools will estimate the CPCs for each position and allow you to see how much the CPCs drop off after the first position. This dramatically helps your analysis for picking the most profitable keywords. If the CPC values stay close to the each other and to the value of the first position, then you will more than likely have a profitable keyword.
Step 5 Compare the ads you found in step 4 to the results of using a keyword check function tool (available on the internet). If the advertisers you find by doing this closely match those you found in step 4, you will more than likely have a profitable keyword.
If the advertisers are not he same, then the advertiser is possibly not using the "Adwords for Content" mode of advertising in his campaigns. This means that the keyword may not be the basis for the Adsense ads and may not be profitable.
Step 6 Now you must get the traffic. If you decide to get traffic using the Adwords approach, then just use the keywords in your Adsense ads that scored well from the above evaluation. Then, use lower cost per click keywords in your Adwords ads. The difference between the earnings from the click you get on your Adsense word from the cost of the click you pay on your Adwords word will be your profit.
If you are planning to use search engine optimization techniques to get traffic to the website where your ads are, make sure the keywords you choose have the highest KEI possible. KEI is the ratio of the number of searches for a keyword to the number of competing sites having the keyword. The combination of a high KEI and a high score from the above evaluation will yield the best profit results.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
How to use Competitive Ad Filter?
So I have decided to block google from showing their own adwords ads promoting their products on my website/blog. I’ve done this to show more relevant ads and well just to take that annoying “get your blog with google” and “Monetize your site with google adsense”. But beware, the competitive ad filter takes some time to take effect. According to Google Help, "Please note that Google does not commit that all ads for the websites that you add to your competitive ad filter list or ads containing objectionable content will be prevented from display on your site."
How Google detects Invalid Clicks
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